New Website
BM Test Equipment launches a new website
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User experience, mobile friendly and clearer overview are the keywords behind the new website
Welcome to our new website designed to make it easier for our customers. The layout has been redesigned and completely reprogrammed in order to modernise and create a responsive website which means that it looks good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones). The content is available in English and Danish.
Easier navigation
The new website offers a quick overview of the latest news, products and materials. The product pages contains a product description as well as additional information such as brochures, photos and films. Furthermore it is possible to generate a pdf document on each product containing all product data. We have also gathered selected references and a collection of downloads.
The find distributor tool allows for an overview of our representation all over the world with contact information on all of our distributors.
Toolbox for distributors
Under “Toolbox” authorised distributors can login and find materials for use in their marketing and installation of BM products.
We are proud of our new website and we hope that our customers and partners will enjoy it. Our aim is that it should be easy, clear and a pleasure to navigate the site.